Showing posts with label Australian Fugue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australian Fugue. Show all posts

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Vibrations from the Aliquot String

The Aliquot String

The aliquot string is a string on a instrument, such as a grand piano, that does not sound but vibrates, which sets up a resonance with the strings near it that do sound, and adds resonance, warmth and tone. In a grand piano, it is the fourth string in the treble section that is not struck by the hammer; yet it has been known of since at least classical antiquity, in theories and observations of natural harmony, in the sounds of nature, and how these feel to us.
   The tones added by the aliquot string in the harmony are rich overtones that add depth and warmth.
Some people doubt that the aliquot string adds resonance, but piano makers still include it, as they know it does.
   Just because a string is not audibly heard does not mean it does not have a voice, or that it has nothing to add. It is the silent string that is not heard by the ear that gives the resonance, and overtones to the music.

In my psychological novels I am exploring the silence of the unheard string, resonances of the vibrations that it sets up with the other strings that are heard, and feelings, the added overtones of the un-sounding strings, I have had to do this through a long time of seclusion, alone, with little noise to be able to hear, and find other ways of listening. 
   The aliquot string adds enrichment to the main voices, and the composition.
    As the string does not sound and is unheard directly, but felt, I have been feeling my way through this writing process.

Each new discovery, or vibration, has taken me a little further, but there have been many steps back, and set backs, and often a continual battle against the powerful effects of being a string that many are not aware of, or say should be removed, as it adds nothing, not being a sounding voice, and being felt rather than heard clearly. A battle to not lose my confidence that what this has to add is an enrichment, that is exists, and the source of the vibration, and the overtones that are felt and heard dynamically as enrichment, and temperature, needs to be known, and acknowledged.
   Therefore I must keep writing.
   And feel my way into the stories that I need to write.

RS 27.1.16

Friday 8 November 2013

Postmistress Press: Notes from the Publisher

by Ruth Skilbeck

 I am now, as an author-publisher, writing and publishing my books, ten books that I have written over the past 15 years, of taking an MA and PhD in creative writng, and lecturing in universities, on contracts and working as a freelance arts writer. I am doing this, as there appears to be no one else in Australia taking this initiative and joining the new global literary movement of author-publishers, which is thriving in other parts of the world. I have wanted to publish my books for several years but held back until now due to the crisis in publishing - and authors not being paid in academic publishing. I have published over 10 articles in leading peer-reviewed research books and journals in my field  (including Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, ERA A listed journal, and a forthcoming article on a photographic research series I made, in International Journal of the Image) and hundred of media articles, in leading arts periodicals, newspapers and magazines (lists available), but still not making any income as an academic writer and blogger over the past years. To keep on writing, and working as a writer, and on encouragement and requests from readers of my works, I am starting up a new author-publisher house, Postmistress Press, in the cottage I own in Newcastle NSW, which was the first post office and telegraphy office in Adamstown, the inner city suburb (which had a postmistress). I plan to publish my own books of literary fiction, critical theory, and collections of my published essays and articles. Then I plan to publish books by authors, in the areas of my research.
     The only way I can do this is through support of readers, and that is why I am starting up by publishing my first two novels with pre-orders from a Pozible crowd-funding campaign. Without financial income support from book sales, I will not be able to do it, so all pledges for book pre-orders are very much appreciated, as sales are required to keep me going with my plans and enable me to publish my books, and then publish new works by authors in Australia, and internationally, if my publishing receives enough financial income from sales, I can do this, if not I will have to go back to contract teaching.
     My income is from publishing, so far as I have not yet published any books, income is nil, so the results of the first book sales, will be critical to the sustainability of the first year of my enterprise, which began in September. I have one year to see if this will work or not. Please help me support new Australian writing and literature by supporting, and buying, my books.
      If contributions exceed the target, the chance of being able to publish my next books will increase as all sales go into the publishing house.  My publishing house is a small literary enterprise that will be reliant on income from sales of books, to survive. I am the main employee at present, but if the house grows, later it will employ others to work in publishing books, as well as contracting for cover design, videos, and editing.
     I also plan to run teaching courses in writing and new publishing later in the year, and the success of this enterprise is critical to that as well. This is the first author-publisher house in Australia which aims to publish original new literary arts books, fiction and critical theory, and PhDs and MA in creative writing books. If it receives sufficient income to keep going, it can make a contribution more broadly to encouraging new Australian literary arts cultures. Postmistress Press, and this enterprise has been enabled by support from the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations' funding for small business, which is very much appreciated.

Project sponsors and acknowledgements:

Ruth Skilbeck and Postmistress Press thank:

  • Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
  • New Hunter Business  

and the book lovers who pre-order books and art,  for their support.

Ruth Skilbeck, November 2013