Thursday 24 July 2014

These Writing Nights

 On Reversing One’s Hours 

The only, minor, disturbance I have so far encountered with writing all night and sleeping in the day, is missing a relaxing evening drink. One does not feel like a glass of wine on awakening at 7 or 8 in the evening and the thought is equally unpalatable at 10 o clock the next morning. So instead I am drinking a lot of coffee, and water. But soon my first novel, Australian Fugue: The Antipode Room will be published and up on the fabled platforms of Amazon, Kobo and so on, a transformation into virtual reality which seems at the moment somewhat akin to its ascending to the mythical Olympus. I look forward to inhabiting daylight hours again and celebrating in the ‘real’ evening with a glass or two of nectar from the local vineyards of the Hunter Valley. Until then, the mind is clear and this night is full of gods and constellations.

Ruth Skilbeck

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