Wednesday 26 February 2014

Manus Insider Reveals Horror Used as Deterrent in the Refugee Camps of "Indefinite Detention"- SBS Interview

Ruth Skilbeck 26.2.2014

The horrific conditions of the Manus Island ‘indefinite’ detention camps were revealed by a former employee, Manus Island Migration Agent, Liz Thompson, who was witness to the attacks on asylum seekers, in an interview with Mark Davis on the SBS program Dateline yesterday evening in Australia,

This was a brave interview, which revealed the horror of the Manus Island non-processing indefinite detention camp using "horror" as a "deterrent" to desperate asylum seekers, refugees and exiles from war and conflict, already traumatised peoples, who are asking the Australian people, whose nation is a signatory of the International Refugee Convention, to give them shelter. This is what the elected government and their industry management teams have come with as their idea of a response.

"It's not designed as a processing facility, it's designed as an experiment in the active creation of horror to deter people from trying in the first place"

- Liz Thompson, Manus Island whistleblower.

Watch Liz's full interview here: 

1 comment:

karen said...

So enjoying your blog lately Ruth. Thanks so much.

The misery(s) we subject people to in the name of the nation state are astounding. I think that Teressa Hayter got it right in relation to detention. " I do not believe that immigration controls, including detention can be reformed. We should get rid of them like slaver, apartheid and other ills" The problem is we have not really gotten rid of those. Lets cut to the chase and get rid of the state.