Sunday 27 November 2011

A New Chapter- Mamapalooza coming to Sydney.

Dear Readers,

It has been a few days (ahem) since last I tapped a missive into this virtual space, and I must admit the thought did cross my mind to end it with my last post, as the Scrolls seemed to have reached a point of natural conclusion. The end of the first six months of the Blog coincided with my new appointment (and the end of the teaching semester). Next year a new vista stretches out ahead. Many things have happened since last I wrote. One is another role I am taking up in the organisation of Mamapalooza- Sydney, an international festival of mother's creativity and art that began in New York and is coming down under in May. And a book project collating a decade of my contemporary art essays, interviews, and articles on Australian and International contemporary art and art journalism, that were published in art and popular culture periodicals, newspapers, radio, online media, and peer reviewed journals, when I was  owner/director of media writing and research business Arts Features International (that I started up in 2003) is in progress. I am still running my one-woman media writing business. With so much to write about, leaving the Blogosphere now would seems premature.

A new chapter begins.

Until next time.

Ruth Skilbeck


karen said...

Fantastic news Ruth. Looking forward to hearing more about Mamapalooza and to reading the compilation of your work. Yahooza.

Ruth Skilbeck said...

Thanks Karen. Will be posting Mamapalooza updates and a media release in the next few days. Inviting creative contributions in all media...